40 acres of american land

40 acres flat and usable land will finance 1500.00 down 4% annual interest payment at 299.00 per month this prop can be split into 2 40 s or 4 10 s or keep it all for yourself. yavapai county az from prescott go north hgwy 89 to interstate 40 turn and drive west to crookton rd. get off continue west to mile marker 117 or hyde park rd. turn south to dusty rose ranch rd. use your gps and locate corners n.w. cor 35 28 23.5n 113 13.57w s.w. cor 35 28 10.4n 113 12 49.7w also research thru yavapai county.gov hit gis mapping then interactive mapping and under parcel search enter 301-31-312. very interesting site lots of fun check it out.



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