QUIZNOS Subs CLOSED- Auction OPEN Restaurant Equipment

Shipping available. Please contact auctioneer Bill 210.264.4176 SELLING BY THE PIECE COMPLETE QUIZNOS STORE LOCATED in AUSTIN< TX> SALE OPEN NOW CLOSES February 22 OPEN NOW Complete LIQUIDATION OF Austin Tx QUIZNOS STORE. ALL BIDS START AT 1 PENNY VIEW PHOTOS AND CURRENT PRICES AT www.rciauctions.com cgi-bin mnlist.cgi rci114 category ALL STORE LOCATION Parkline Shopping Center 11301 Lakeline Blvd Austin TX 78717.PREVIEW & INSPECTION at the store SATURDAY FEB 21 noon til 4pm CONTACT RCI SOUTH TEXAS Bill OZ Auctioneer 13969 rcisouthtexas(at)gmail.com 210.264.4176 Each items will be sold to highest bidder no reserve everything will sell. We are a Texas based auction house specializing in Restaurants and Food Service Liquidations. Auction conducted by Bill OZ Texas Auction License 16939 VIEW PHOTOS< VIDEOS< CURRENT PRICES AT www.rciauctions.com cgi-bin mnlist.cgi rci114 category ALL Walk in Cooler and Freezer can be viewed operating. Then will be dismantled by our technicians and stacked for pick up. You are bidding on complete ready to load walk ins. This saves you hundreds and makes buying good walkins easy Walk in Cooler Walk in FreezerConveyor oven and hood fire extinguishersexpresso machineManitowoc Ice Machine & Cornelius 8 Spigot Soda HeadBIB soda rack with pumps and regulatorsIce BinSS 3 bowl sink with drainboards hand wash sinks prep sinkstainless steel work tables ingredient scales2 refrigerated pizza sub salad prep tablesRestaurant booths two complete setsBistro tables and stools cafe tables and stools metal outdoor patio tables and chairsNeon Signs Menu Boards open signPOS cash system and misc spare components with power packs stainless steel prep sink with large bowl 2 hand wash sinksMuzak music system with disksCountertop warmers Wire Metro Shelves epoxy coated freezer shelves wood cabinets3 Bowl sink with drainboards SS prep sink (large bowl) handwash sinksHOBART Automatic slicer (sorry no Hobart Mixer)Fetco Tea System Curtis Stainless steel tea dispensersStainless steel pans napkin holdertomato slicer cambro self closing swinging door with window alum used between kitchen and serving areaJETSPRAY DRINK MACHINE ss drip trayschip racks condiment holders cup holdersDrop Safe Trash bins janitor suppliesSneezeguards high chairs booster chairsOVER 250 groups of items view entire auction and current prices at www.rciauctions.com cgi-bin mnlist.cgi rci114 category ALL Great items for pizza parlor cafe restaurant food truck donut shop lunch counter concession business convenience store pub bar tavern coffee shop bakery equipment seller candy store sub shop sandwich shop etc Sale conducted by BILL OZ Texas auction license 16939. Buyers premium of 15%



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