Spacious house for sale Brossard

House Brossard for sale - 3 bedrooms - Welcome home Beautiful spacious bungalow with cathedral ceilings on the main floor this ideally located property is sure to meet your needs Large living areas with lots of upgrades. Important renovations already done in the past 24 months (windows on the main floor roof french drain driveway). Beautiful inground pool very private backyard - bordered entirely by mature cedar hedges Bus services steps away shopping centres and bridge to downtown all a couple minutes away Must see quipe Pina Scicchitano Alexia Alessandra Carosella 514-836-9006 Pina Scicchitano 514-928-9670 Real Estate Brokers Re Max Platine Maison Brossard vendre - 3 chambres - Bienvenue chez vous Spacieux plain-pied avec des plafonds cath drales l tage principal cette propri t id alement situ e est s r de r pondre vos besoins Grandes espaces de vie conviviales avec beaucoup de mises jour. R novations importantes d j effectu es dans les 24 derniers mois (toit fen tres sur l tage principal drain fran ais stationnement). Belle piscine creus e jardin tr s priv - bord e enti rement par des haies de c dres matures. Autobus quelques pas Pont Champlain 2 minutes par auto



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