2010 Jayco Seneca HD 35GS

Standard features include - Chevrolet Kodiak Duramaxz 6600 Turbo Diesel V6 330HP Class C RV with exaust assist breaking 200 Gal Diesel tank. - Power Seats 3 Automated Slide-Outs. Tons of internal and external storage space. - Queen size bed 2 hidabeds 2 bunks. Can sleep 9 persons. - 8000 Watt Generator with transfer switch and auto-command center. - 200 gal. Fresh water 100 gal. Black 100 gal. Grey. with easy to use Servicing Center. - 10 000 Lbs Capacity Tow Package. - R23 Insulated - Dual 13 500 BTU Central Air. - Automatic Self-Leveling Jack System. - 30 Oversized Range and 1.4 Cu Ft Microwave Convection Oven combo. - Washer and Dryer Connections much more. - Large External Propane Thank with BBQ and BBQ Hook Ups. Custom Features Include - HD package includes 2 LED HDTVs external Movie Theater with Sound system. - Full 10 Cu Ft fridge with freezer and ice maker. - Wineguard Dome Satellite Dish. - Lavish leather and Oak interior. - Touch Screen Primium Navigation System with Back-Up Camera CD DVD USB. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1008074.htm sthash.DISofISd.dpuf



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