2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500

6-Speed Automatic Electronic with Overdrive and Cocoa Dune w Cloth Seat Trim. Crew Cab George Kell Motors means business There isn t a better truck than this rock solid 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500. You never know when life is going to throw you a curve but the advanced braking system will always be there to help stop trouble right in its tracks. GM Certified Pre-Owned means you not only get the reassurance of a 12mo 12 000-Mile Bumper-to-Bumper limited warranty but also a 2yr 24 000-Mile Standard CPO Maintenance Plan up to a 5-Year 100 000-Mile 0 Deductible Fully Transferable Powertrain Limited Warranty a 172-point inspection reconditioning 24 7 roadside assistance Courtesy Transportation 3-Day 150-Mile Customer Satisfaction Guarantee 3 month trial OnStar Directions & Connections Service if available SiriusXM Radio 3mo trial if available and a vehicle history report.



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