What Is A Patent How Do I Get A Patent

A Patent is an official paper guaranteeing an inventor and his heirs exclusive rights over an invention process idea etc. for a given length of time. Learn how to protect your intellectual property you invention or idea with a Patent. This step-by-step instruction guide is set up in a concise readable easy to understand format. If you are thinking of Doing-It- Yourself or getting outside help you need to know the process so your interests are protected. Also included with this instructional guide is a completed Non-Provisional Utility Patent application example that has been accepted by the U.S.P.T.O. so that you can see and understand all the steps needed to apply for your own Patent. Get your instructional guide today and put yourself ahead of the game by understanding the process. Knowledge is paramount. Go to www.aaapatentadvice.com or < a href www.aaapatentadvice.com> Click Here< a> Best wishes to all my inventor friends



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