General Mechanic - Plumber

The New York State Education Department s School for the Blind in Batavia is seeking applicants to fill a General Mechanic position. Duties of this position will include but not be limited to the following Routine plumbing steamfitting and maintenance on domestic water systems which includes of total of 75 restrooms (some with four or more toilets some with more than two showers tubs) 30 drinking fountains 15 cleaner closet sinks 10 residential household kitchens 1 industrial commercial size kitchen 1 laundry facility and other areas Performing assigned preventative maintenance (PM) tasks on all systems related to plumbing and or steamfitting Maintaining and performing PM on campus sewer and storm drain systems Assisting the Plant Utilities Engineer in maintaining the integrity of the school heating and air conditioning equipment Assisting other General Mechanics in the planning and implementation of construction repair and maintenance projects Training maintenance assistants and laborers in repairing and maintaining the above mentioned equipment and systems and Snow removal duties which include the safe removal and control of snow and ice using snow blowers snow plows and other appropriate tools. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Candidates must possess four years of full-time experience in a trade under a skilled journeyman which would provide training equivalent to that given in an apprenticeship program. Apprentice training in the trade or training gained by the completion of technical courses in a trade at a school or institute may be substituted for the above experience on a year-by-year basis. Candidates must be physically able to perform duties assigned. Possession of a valid New York State driver s license may be required. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Fingerprinting through the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Criminal Justice Services a background check with the Office of Children and Family Services and clearance from the Justice Center Staff Exclusion List is required for employment. This will be a permanent 12-month position. Leads to a maximum salary of 48 078 with annual performance advances. APPLICATION Qualified candidates should send a resume and letter of interest by February 18 2015 to nyssbjobs(at) (email submissions are preferred). Please include the Box number (BND-65 00616) of the position in the subject line of your email to ensure receipt of your application. Office of Human Resources Management Box BND-65 00616 NYS Education Department 89 Washington Avenue Room 528 EB Albany NY 12234 Fax (518) 486-5631 E-mail nyssbjobs(at) Please like us on Facebook An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer



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