18.5 CC Avalon

Very good useable all fiberglass construction (NO WOOD) 18 6 Avalon has a great running Yamaha 115 2 strokeGalvanized Trailer ss prop has had non ethanol fuel for last couple years with stabil no problems hereJust a great bay and shore fishing machine boat is a 1996 trailer is also a 96 motor is a 99 model but bought new in 11 2005 from Dixie Sporting Goods.This is a user boat for family fun. Will trade for car or truck of equal value Need a good running car or truck for my Dad to use.has custom cover Bimini top and bow rail not shown in photos cover won t fit w bow rail on one new battery may need the other one 2 battery system old but working electronics.pcmi at att dot net EMAIL FOR PHOTOSDonnie



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