Assistant Teacher School Age - La Petite Academy - (12241BR)

The La Petite Academy located at 1605 Jetwing Drive Colorado Springs CO 80916 is currently hiring a Assistant Teacher School Age. Responsibilities include Join our talented team where we inspire children to be lifelong learners Through our play based curriculum our affectionate and loving staff ensures that our children are imparted with the knowledge to succeed. Our Assistant Teachers Are caring compassionate and love what they do Ensure the daily care of every child by following all licensing guidelines and implementing all company standards. Help to maintain a fun and interactive classroom that is clean and organized. Have countless advancement opportunities through our on-going training and expansive network of centers and brands. Are rewarded with hugs from children and praise from parents every day We are looking for candidates that are as passionate about the growth and development of the precious children in our care as we are. We are most interested in talking to applicants that have A High School diploma or equivalent Experience working in a licensed childcare facility Coursework in early childhood education or child development Impeccable references and a proven track record of caring and nurturing children to provide them with a great start to their educational careers The ability to meet state and or accreditation requirements for education and experience Flexibility as to the hours and schedule of work Must be at least 18 years of age To submit your application for this job please go to careers. Headquartered in Novi Michigan Learning Care Group Inc. is the second-largest for-profit child care provider in North America. An international leader in child education and family solutions we provide early education and care services to children between the age of six weeks and 12 years under our five unique brands. In total Learning Care Group operates more than 900 corporate and franchise schools across the country and around the world- each devoted to providing a safe and stimulating environment that will inspire a lifelong love of learning.



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