PT Merchandiser - Ripley TN

RETAIL MERCHANDISER POSITIONS AVAILABLE TNG is a leading merchandising company in the USA servicing over 40 000 retail locations throughout the country. We currently have openings for Part-Time Retail Merchandisers to service various products in the following cities Ripley TN 38012 (ME9296) JOB DESCRIPTION Join our dynamic team as this position is ideal for current merchandisers stay at home moms retirees or person s looking for permanent part time work. Hours and compensation are dependent on the number of stores assigned in a specific area and pay is based on an hourly rate. Your main responsibilities would include implementing plan-o-grams visual merchandising product returns checking out of date items scanning building and maintain displays demonstrating knowledge of our clients products developing strong relationships with store personnel accurately reporting time worked completing surveys and communicating with management staff. WE OFFER Competitive hourly rate paid bi-weekly with the option of Direct Deposit Permanent part time work (hours can range between 5-25 based on the concentration of stores in the geographic area) A regular work schedule (starting hours are typically M-F between the hours of 6AM- 5PM) Paid Training You work independently National company with advancement opportunities REQUIREMENTS Candidates must be over the age of 18. Candidates must have reliable transportation necessary for local travel and proof of insurance. Candidates must adhere to a specific weekly bi-weekly work schedule. Be able to lift up to 50 lbs and perform tasks that involve stooping walking bending searching for items and standing for long periods of time. Candidates must have access to computer with internet and email and be able to respond to regular communications. Candidates must have access to camera or phone with the ability to take and upload pictures to company website. Candidates with smart phones will be given preference because certain assignments require it. Those hired without a smart phone will not be eligible for assignments that require one. Ideal candidate should be responsible provide great customer service and be able to work well with minimal supervision. Candidate must have the ability to understand written and spoken English. Only local candidates please as relocation is not available for this position. TNG is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we do perform background checks on perspective new hire candidates. TO APPLY Please visit our career website and apply to the requisition number(s) listed below. tng Apply to requisition number (ME9296) Ripley TN 38012 (We encourage you to only apply to areas within a 5-10 mile radius of your current address)



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