Moving Sale (Multi-Family) - 5145 Northdale Blvd.

Multi-Family GARAGE SALE. MOVING SALE...ITEMS MUST GO.172 DVD movies (adults and children s) 100 s of books (adults & children s) Vinyl music (various music styles). Portable Massage Table in like new condition with carrying case headrest and only 75. Adult clothing (inexpensive casual high quality casual)...(adult clothing ranges mostly from 6 to 12 and also juniors sizes) children s clothing (mostly child sizes 6 to 10). Stylish ladies dresses shirts pants suits sweaters skirts undergarments and more. A few brands are Chico s and Cache plus many many more. All clean and in very good condition. Pricing starting at 1. Purses galore with brands from name brands such as Guess Nine West Tommy Hilfiger and some with matching wallets. Pricing starting from 5 each. Arts & crafts supplies and glass painting supplies (some paints new and never opened) Halloween decorations and costumes Christmas lights and decorations Full Queen Broyhill Fontana headboard and footboard with frame (mattress and box springs not included) Broyhill Fontana mirror like new Keurig kitchen items televisions purses costume jewelry and much more. Some furniture...please call or text ahead of time if you are interested in my furniture listings so I can make sure to have it outside.Wall art and picture frames George Foreman Grill serving trays multiple wine racks tan curtains dark purple curtains curtain rods shower rods and a lot more 100s of books best seller titles cookbooks self-help couples counseling health and fitness business spiritual children s books & many more. Misc. items such as baby gates (one large and one small) curling irons of all sizes hot roller set and much more Most items listed are between 50 cents and 20 dollars with the exception of the items below and some of the high end clothing items. NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE. Thank you. We will be setting up outside and there is no room for additional people while doing this. Friday 2 27 15 FROM 7 00 am to 3 00 pm. Saturday 2 28 15 FROM 7 00 am to 3 00 pm.5145 Northdale Blvd.Tampa FL 33624 Limited Parking please park across the street from the townhouse and if you park in the road pull as far onto the grass opposite the townhouse as possible.From Ehrlich Turn on Casey Dawnview. At light make a left on Dawnview. At the next light turn right again on Northdale and we are in the back of the neighborhood in a townhouse on the left. From Dale Mabry Turn on Northale. Go through two lights and turn again to the right on Northdale and we are in the back of the neighborhood in a townhouse on the left.



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