Laser Engraver (San Marcos)

Laser Engraver manufactured by Laser Rod Inc Los Angeles Ca. March 2003.Laser components by Lee Laser Inc.Series 818 Nd Yag Laser. Specifications are 45 kW TEMoo(at)2 kHz 100nS Pulswidth(at)2kH and10% stability (at) twenty kHz. It is designed and built to engrave 301 High Yield Stainless steel.The machine overall measures 5 high 25 in depth 10 6 wide. The moving platen measures 51 long x 8 wide.Materials are held in place via a vacuum hold down system by Emerson pt J311X. Model K37JXEG-173 1 3 H.P.The engraver is externally water cooled. Original cost 328k. More details on request...................................... ...REDUCED PRICE. 99 000.00....OBO................................ ... ALL FAIR OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED No lowballers no trades no scammers. Serious inquiries only....



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