THERE IS A REGISTRATION FORM ON THE WEBSITE - Please also include a copy of your vaccination records. For the safety of your pet and the other participants no dog will be admitted to the training classes without this paperwork. Vaccinations must be up to date. Thank you PURRFECT POOCHES DOG TRAINING Sandra Harknett Certified Dog Trainer 537 Old Folkstone Rd. Holly Ridge NC 28445 910-777-9968 REGISTRATION FORM (MARCH 2015 CLASSES) Active duty military receive a 10% Discount ( 107) Payment must accompany registration form in order to hold your spot in the class. Make checks out to Sandra Harknett. The mailing address is 537 Old Folkstone Rd Holly Ridge NC 28445. Thank you. (I only take 8 dogs per class so no refunds will be given 1 week before the class starts or once the class has begun.) Please sign here_____________________________indicating that you are aware this of no refunds policy. Thank you. Dates listed are the start date of the 1st class and will be for 6 weeks Each class is approx. 1 hour long and the cost is 119 total for 6 once a week lessons.Free Open Play Time for Puppies & Dogs 45 minutes before each class to expend some energy and curiosity about the other dogs and people so the dog s mind can concentrate. It is strongly recommended that you come to this. SAT MARCH 7 11 00 a.m. BASIC OBEDIENCE Puppy & Adult Dog. Same class different graduation requirements. Play time 10 10 to 10 55 a.m. Please come to the playtime or take your dog puppy for an hour walk before. SAT MARCH 7 1 00 p.m. BASIC OBEDIENCE Puppy & Adult Dog. Same class different graduation requirements. Play time 12 10 to 12 55 p.m. Please come to the playtime or take your dog puppy for an hour walk before. These classes are once a week for 6 weeks and will teach you how to train your dog in the basic obedience commands he she needs to be a good family member. Puppies can learn the same as adult dog you do not need several sets or levels of classes. He she will learn SIT STAY LAY DOWN HEEL TOUCH LEAVE IT TAKE IT WALK ON A LOOSE LEASH NOT TO JUMP ON PEOPLE PLACE TRADE DROP IT COME when called and more. Many dog training skills and techniques will be covered. The cost is 119 for all 6 weeks and includes the AKC CGC or STAR Puppy testing evaluation on week 6. Call Sandra at 910-777-9968 for more information. Taught by Sandra Harknett Certified Precision Pet Dog Trainer Animal Behavior College Certified Dog Trainer AKC Approved CGC & STAR Puppy Testing Evaluator LOAL Therapy Dog Evaluator LEFT PAW - RIGHT PAW Service Dog Training 910-777-996 AKC CGC stands for American Kennel Club s Canine good Citizen test. You will receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club when your dog passes. I do the testing at the final class. You will also get a certificate from PURRFECT POOCHES NC.



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