Pvc borehole casing

MobiDrill is the leading supplier for Viscosifiers, Filtration Controls, Drilling Foams, Cutting Oils, Lubricants, Hammer Oils, Greases, Soaps, Clay Inhibitors, Loss Circulation, Foams, Grouts, Clay Inhibitors, Detergents, Water Treatments, Specialty Products etc. MobiDrill is the leading supplier of drilling chemicals, polymers & lubricants-Corrosion: the chemical inertness of uPVC makes them insensitive to all forms of corrosion.Mechanical properties: excellent resistance to high collapse pressures.much lighter than steel casings makes for user friendly installations and savings in time.The trapezoidal threaded joints can be used for over 20 years in demanding conditions. PVC plastic material is resistant to corrosion as well as acids and alkalis found in some soils. No additional protection required. Easy installation in borehole and improved flow of pumped water.



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