Controls Engineer

I am recruiting for a field service engineer position in Horsham PA. Please read the job description carefully. If you are qualified and interested in this position please email me an updated resume along with your salary requirements. Allen Bradley 500 5000 is highly recommended. Electromechanical Engineer Field Service Engineer Technician World leading German machine manufacturer producing process equipment for the Pharmaceutical & Chemical Industries is seeking an Electro-Mechanical Field Service Engineer. Experience in the pharmaceutical field covering cGMP validation metrology and 21 CFR Part 11 would be beneficial. A working knowledge of rotating machinery pneumatics hydraulics and machine assembly is required in addition a basic knowledge of electrical drives industrial controls and instrumentation is necessary Experience with the automation platforms listed below will move you to the top of the group. - Allen Bradley RSLogix500 5000 - Allen Bradley RSView Factory Talk View - Siemens Simatic Step 7 - Siemens Protool WinCC Flexible The successful candidate will be a self-starter customer driven and a seasoned engineer Domestic w International as needed. (most travel will NOT be within local distance of home) Requirements - Prior experience as a Maintenance Engineer Maintenance Technician or Field Service Engineer is helpful REQUIRED. - Travel will be 60-80% throughout United States with some International. -Team Player - Good communication skills - Strong troubleshooting skills - Strong electrical & mechanical aptitude - Ability to interpret electrical schematics & mechanical drawings Opportunities for overtime. Company offers excellent benefits competitive salary and a great work environment Interested applicants should email an updated resume to amb0314(at) along with a contact number. All resumes will be kept in strict confidence. Thank you.



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