Executive Director

Proposed Job Ad for Somerset Ex. Dir position Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District This position is responsible for working with funding sources managing existing projects and generating new resources for the SCSWCD. Works with landowners conservation groups and towns to complete work consistent with the SCSWCD mission. Works independently while cooperating with other staff to manage projects. Needs excellent organization and communication skills. Familiar with natural resource issues. Erosion control and water quality knowledge beneficial. Experience with Microsoft Office beneficial. Some field work is expected. Able to travel locally. Must be able to satisfy USDA security clearance. Expected pay range 20-25 hr. Flexible hours. Currently part time with potential for more. Some evening and weekend hours expected. Submit cover letter and r sum by March 27 2015 to Somerset County SWCD 70 E. Madison Rd. Skowhegan ME 04976 More information at www.Somersetswcd.org All Soil and Water Conservation District positions are offered on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race color national origin gender religion age disability political beliefs and marital or familial status.



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