Wedding Venues and event management

Recently engaged and looking for that Pinterest perfect wedding venue No need to fear your wedding experts are here. At Wahl Tents we are a Complete Event Management company we have all of the resources to make planning your wedding easy fun and stress free from start to finish. Wahl tents is great place for the brides who are looking for an outdoor wedding that they can create any style or theme they are looking for without having to follow the d cor and rules of a hall or venue. Whether it is classy and elegant country and rustic vintage chic or anywhere in between we ve got you covered literally. With our quality canopies you have a blank canvas ready for your create any outdoor space into a gorgeous venue with only the best equipment to make your dream wedding come to life. We have many options for tents from high peek pole tents quality frame tents to our elegant top of line Clear Span tent structures available in 20 wide 40 wide 60 wide and now 100 wide we have no limitations. No wedding is too small or too large for us to accommodate your needs. Don t let that up north beach or perfect location destination stop you from having a memorable wedding Wahl Tents also travels. We have an experienced staff ready to help you plan your wedding every step of the way. Find out why we are rated A with the Better Business Bureau with customers whom return to us time and time again with the a recommendation rate of over 75%. Contact us today at 586-493-0563 we are excited to start your wedding planning process with you with a free quote Email us on sales(at)



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