Profit from purchase Subway restaurant for sale Montreal

Subway franchise restaurant for sale LaSalle. The best current offer in Montreal Subway 84 seater on 2000 sq ft ideally located in the Lafleur Promenade shopping center in LaSalle. Sales are still growing. This Subway will allow you to be immediately productive with good sales and profits. Reason for sale retirement. Opportunity to save 10 000 if compagny is bought.Promotional brochure available upon request.Stanislas Didier 514-618-9165Bluuglass Business Acquisitions www.bluuglass.coms.didier(at) Franchise Subway vendre LaSalle. La meilleure offre actuellement Montr al Grand restaurant Subway de 84 places sur 2 000 p2 id alement situ dans le centre commercial Promenade Lafleur LaSalle. Les ventes sont toujours en croissance. Ce Subway vous permettra d tre imm diatement productif avec de bonnes ventes et des profits. Raison de la vente retraite. Possibilit d conomiser 10 000 si rachat de la compagnie.Brochure promotionnelle disponible sur demande.Stanislas Didier 514-618-9165Bluuglass Vente d Entreprises www.bluuglass.coms.didier(at)



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