Couple looking for a night of fun

My wife and I are 35 years old looking for a woman to join us in the bedroom. We had her 3 way and now its my turn. I am looking for someone near my age who is cute fun and agressive in the bedroom Bi-sexual is a must Squriting is a fetish of mine so bring on the wetness We sometimes smoke (usually use vaporizers) and wife likes to drink. We dont have alot of money so not really looking for a wine and dine relationship just a occasional thing. I am 6 2 dark brown hair almost 7 down there. ). Wife is 5 4 dark hair (normally currently green) with DD s D. My music intrests include ICP Twiztid Dark Lotus but especially Tech9. Hers include prettymuch anything from the 60 s but especially Pink Floyd. We are non-religious please dont bother if your going to talk about how great the bible is. Then again you probaly would have left this ad if you were like that D. We have a 8yr old son and my job keeps me out pretty late in the evening so a late night or sunday meeting is prefered. DO NOT SOLICITE You can get ahold of me at Wicked_Juggalo(at) or my wife at Norsekitten(at) Look forward to meeting you and spending some time to get to know you before anything happens. ) P.S. I am a chubby chaser so heavy girls are more then welcome. D



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