I have a one bedroom (unfurnished) with shared bathroom for 450 a month.. 500 dollar to move in house East Point area. Available for immediate MOVE IN March 1ST. Must be Male gay friendly proof of employment clean and responsible. Must not have pet. But be dog friendly. Payment of 500 required at move in. You must purchase your own food and prepare yourself to include beverages and water. 450 must be paid by the 1st of every month if not paid on the 1st the agreement will be null and voided. NO EXCEPTIONS OR EXCUSES. Must be clean SOME shared responsibilities for up keep of house (i.e. bathroom floors etc.). MARTA BUS STOP NEXT TO HOUSE. If this sounds like something you are looking for please reply with a brief description of self photo and contact number. After initial email I should be able to speak with you to arrange a viewing and meeting. Please do not respond if not serious and in agreement to all the above. Call 404-271-8140 or 404-955-5171 Thanks



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