Outdoor Wood Furnace Business For Sale - Malakwa

8234 Trans Canada Highway Malakwa V0E 2J0 BUSINESS ONLY FOR SALE 149 000 - Well established turn key business with exclusive territory (100 mile radius) for sales of Central Boiler Outdoor Wood Furnaces. These outdoor wood or pellet furnaces work with any existing heating system and can provide heat and hot water to multiple buildings such as home garage workshop barn or even a swimming pool. It is one of the cleanest and most efficient ways to heat with wood. This successful 20 year company is a dealer for North America s largest manufacturer of outdoor wood furnaces. This dealership sells 25-35 units each year. All units pre-paid. Purchase price includes all parts equipment vehicles (see Included Items list). This is well below replacement of equipment and included items. Lots of potential to increase sales and expand business Complete information package available. Land Buildings for Sale 649 000 MLS 10087466 Business for Sale 149 000 plus inventory MLS 10087462. For more information call Jim Grieve at 250-833-6312 or Jordan Grieve 250-833-7812 or visit www.jimgrievesalesteam.com Marketed by Jim Grieve Realtor Personal Real Estate Corporation Homelife Salmon Arm Realty Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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