Beautiful Shadow Park Home 5 Bed 3Bed

Welcome to the prestigious Shadow Park Gated Community in Cerritos This is the very desirable TUDOR model Warmington built home that everybody is always looking for within this complex This is a 5 bedroom (0ne bedroom downstairs with attached bathroom) 3 bath home with a three car attached garage with a possible 9 parking spaces plus an area that makes the perfect office or study room The home features a large family room with fireplace along with a second fireplace in the master bedroom perfect for cuddling on those cool winter evenings Heating Air Conditioning have all been replaced along with a light weight concrete tile roof The house has a lovely beveled glass front door and as you enter you will be struck by the vaulted wood ceilings in the living room Home has its own separate laundry room Large kitchen with adjacent wet bar area Step up beautiful dining area This gated community features 24 hour security gate man Students go to Cerritos High School (or Whitney H.S. if your son or daughter qualifies) Association amenities include pool spa tennis basketball sand style volleyball young children playground greenbelt park plus a recently remodeled clubhouse that is available for parties events and get togethers Please call Adrian For a showing 562.292.3623 Century 21 Classic Estates Follow me on Facebook (at) buysellwithadri



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