Room for Rent in Professional Home

Comfortably furnished basement (at ground) bedroom with shared kitchen and bath privileges available in the home of a University of Toronto professor and his wife. Located on the border of Rockcliffe-Smythe and Mount Dennis and a five minute walk to Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School. Conveniently located to public transportation. One bus direct to Ossington Station. Home is warmly heated in winter with a central gas furnace and cooled in summer with electric fans and or central air conditioning as required. Females only please. Accommodation is suitable for students or working females only. Hosts are English speaking Indian nationals who have resided in Toronto for many years. No smoking alcohol use or drug use is tolerated in this home. Immediate vacancy. No contract required but first and last months rent must be paid in advance of occupancy. Two month minimum stay required. To arrange a showing please call Professor Bob at 416-953-4069.



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