
Responsible for maintaining all hotel public areas in a clean attractive comfortable condition. --Cleaning responsibilities--sweeping mopping vacuuming cleaning trash removal in Pool areas exercise room lobby hallways restrooms conference center and hotel exterior. --Set up and breakdown for meetings conference banquets. Bottom of Form Positive and pleasant representative for the property & hotel chain. Available for day or night shift hours Reports to Front Office Manager and or General Manager on a regular basis & as requested Maintain a good rapport with guests and co-workers. Responsible to keep all work areas pertaining to job clean Follows any and all company issued safety & security procedures at ALL times Wears company mandated uniform & name badge when on duty Attends employee meetings & trainings as requested requiredBASIC QUALIFICATIONS High School diploma or equivalent Above average written & oral communication skills Able to effectively communicate in English language Reliable Transportation Valid Driver s license Neat & clean appearance Needs to be honest reliable organized flexible and compatible and customer service orientedPHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS Consistent standing for extended periods of time. Full range of motion in upper & lower extremities required. Job entails stooping standing bending walking and stretching



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