2002 Bounder by Fleetwood

Check out this motorhome. Original Owner No Smoking No Pets It is on the Chevy Workhouse 8.1L chassis. Only 41 715 miles on this very clean motorhome with 2 slide outs. The bedroom slide is longer than most Bounders as it includes a double-door closet in the hallway across from the bathroom adding additional storage and a roomy hallway. Notable features TVs in the living area and bedroom roof-mounted satellite dish 2 air conditioners and a Fantastic fan sofa has a pull-out queen-size bed and the dinette drops down for a twin bed kitchen includes both stove with oven and microwave double sink includes sink covers to increase counter space bathroom includes toilet vanity with sink and tub shower with accordion enclosure lots of underbelly storage built-in generator. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1007405.htm



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