Terry Ortynsky s Royal Ford

Owner Name Terry OrtynskyAddress 81 Dracup AveYorktonSKS3N 3P9Phone 1 306-782-2261Fax 1 306-782-2261Business Email sales(at)royalford.caWebsite s www.royalford.caKeywords Ford dealership Yorkton Saskatchewan F-150 Explorer Escape Edge cars for sale trucks for sale new used pre-ownedDescription Find the new Ford you ve been looking for at Royal Fordin Yorkton Serving Yorkton SK. Stop by our show room to see all ofyour new car options Year Found 2002Operating Hours Monday - Friday 8 - 6 Saturday 8 - 4Video URL s www.youtube.com channel UCpEFRSm8h625dp78iY3hk2gSocial Media Links s www.facebook.com RoyalFord.cas twitter.com TORoyalFords www.youtube.com channel UCpEFRSm8h625dp78iY3hk2gs www.instagram.com royalford.ca



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