PROPERTY ADDRESS 3225 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. DALLAS 75210 THE PROPERTY The facility is a very well-maintained 11 282 square foot building that was formerly occupied by the Social Security Administration. There is a huge reception area with customer windows private offices conference rooms a kitchen breakroom area and nice restrooms. The building is secured with security monitors and cameras. The parking lot is also secured. The DART rail station is directly next door. This building would make a great medical facility. However there are endless possibilities of what this building could be utilized for. THE LOCATION Directly across the street is the Fair Park fair grounds. Within a block of the property is a Minyard Food Store Bank of America Walgreens Pharmacy and other miscellaneous commercial businesses. Along the main surface street arteries are various small businesses and many social support agency storefronts. Beyond the main street arteries are mostly residential apartments and single family homes. Within a mile the new Parkland clinic will be opening in 2015 and just minutes from major employment centers such as the CBD Baylor University Medical Center and the Southwestern Medical District. A wide variety of entertainment is within minutes such as Victory Park which hosts The American Airlines Center a premier sports and entertainment center as well as many other night clubs restaurants and shopping venues. Museums theatres an aquarium a lake & botanical garden are also minutes away. THE FUTURE The City of Dallas has approved and initiated massive revitalization plans for improvement of quality housing as well as public infrastructure and public facilities the promotion of economic development opportunities for residents and businesses and improvement of overall public safety which are now in progress. Price 12.75 psf NN (negotiable). Owner will consider dividing space. The Collins Company 709 N. Paulus Ave. Dallas TX 75214 214-824-6360 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT JOHN COLLINS 214-680-5646 OR PAULA PAYNE 214-245-2007



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