Lakefront home on 4.6 acres

Lakefront home on acreage. Beautiful 3 000 sq ft home with 4 bedrooms 2 full baths 3 4 bath and a 1 2 bath. Main level master suite is large with two walk-in closets and private bath with shower stall.Upstairs laundry room makes doing laundry a breeze. Main level guest bathroom. Lower level features a library media room and a maintenance room with a door that leads to the patio. Two of the lower level bedrooms feature walk-in closets. Back 4th bedroom features its own full bathroom sitting area and walk-in closet. Lower level is tiled except for the two guest bedrooms which feature carpeting.Bright kitchen has blonde cabinets island cooking and breakfast bar. Flooring is hardwood. French doors open onto the large deck overlooking the lake. Perfect place to grill or relax with a glass of wine and a good book.Roomy 2-car garage with air conditioned workshop to keep the man of the family happy.Plenty of room to build additional home for the kids or a garage. Great full time home or vacation refuge Lots of trees and privacy. A great neighborhood Quiet side of the lake. 4.6 acre lakefront lakeview home - 352 000Boat slip additional 25 000All this paradise can be yours for only 377 000



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