Hata Jodi

Hatha Jodi is a wonder of nature in which two hands are joined together as in a prayer. This is actually root of a very rare plant in the shape of folded hands. This too should be kept in oil bath because it absorbs oil. Hatha Jeri blesses the worshipper with wealth and good luck guards against accidents and bad influences of any TANTRIC effect. It also increases the attraction power of a person since it has the powers of Vashikaran or hypnosis. It is very useful in winning favors or winning trials. Hatha Jodi is a plant. It is actually a plant s root with two branches resembling human arms. There is an outline of claw at the end of the arms. The claw in the form of fingers looks as though it were a human figure who is clenching (tightening) the fists. If both branches of this root are severed and joined together its shape resembles a clasped hand (folded hand). The plant is mostly found in Madhya Pradesh. The forest tribes just cut it out (uproot) and sell it. Hatha Jodi possesses bizarre and providential effects. It is an incarnation of goddess Chamunda. It has outstanding powers to beguile to hypnotise to shield people and enhances financial condition. Hatha Jodi should be perfected after tantrik routines (rituals) and made prosperous.



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