Blue Wave 22-Inch Sand Filter System with 1-12 HP Pump for Above

Blue Wave 22-Inch Sand Filter System with 1-1 2 HP Pump for Above Ground Pools Product descriptionSame quality as Hayward Pro Series Waterway Clearwater & Pentair Sta-Rite Cristal Flo II This high performance sand filter system will keep your pool crystal clear and deliver years of trouble free operation. Sandman s rugged filter tank is constructed of durable polyethylene that withstands mother natures worst and is corrosion proof. Precisely engineered laterals inside the filter provide an even flow through the sand bed ensure maximum filtration and a shimmering clean pool. The top mount multi port provides for easy use and quick backwashing. System Includes Base Pump Filter tank 6-position multi port valve 3 tank connection hose Clamps fittings gauge and connection hoses.Easy assembly and efficient performance 24 000 gallon turnover in 8-hrs Molded one-piece polyethylene tank is tough and corrosion proof Pump and filter are perfectly engineered to provide optimum flow rates that promotes clean water quality High efficiency pump lowers system cost and ensures years of quiet operation Extra large hair and lint pot for easy cleaning Requires 220-lbs sand (not included)



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