DOGS TRAINED TO AVOID RATTLESNAKES What Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for Dogs When SATURDAY MARCH 14th Where OJAI CA. (Address provided on paid registration) Cost 95 dog for initial training with us 80 for annual refresher trainin A course on rattlesnake avoidance training for dogs - featuring live rattlesnakes that have been disabled from biting - will take place March 14th 2015 in Ojai Ca. The course will be led by Gina Gables a professional dog trainer for more than 23 years and owner of Ma & Paw Kennel Canine Training Services and Steve Gardner who has more than 30 years of experience studying the behavior and ecology of rattlesnakes and other reptiles. Individual training sessions will be given to each dog. During each dogs individual training session Gardner and Gables will use live rattlesnakes that have had their mouths banded shut to prevent them from biting. Our first priority is the comfort and safety of all involved. This includes your dogs the humans and the snakes as well. said Gables of Simi Valley. Gina specializes in obedience training and problem-behavior modification with dogs.Gina personally trains every dog to recognize and avoid the scent sound and sight of rattlesnakes it becomes aware of.Gina s experience and sensitivity allows the dogs to be humanely treated during the training process.Uniquely we have 3 options of devices available allowing us to humanely and effectively train dogs with temperaments ranging from the most tenacious to the highly sensitive as well as puppies of ANY age. The training will take place in a controlled environment using a remote training collar system adjusted to each dogs individual temperament personality and physical response characteristics.The devices deliver an uncomfortable stimulus (of one form or another) to the dog when the dog has alerted to the presence of the snake whether it be by one or more of his her senses Smell or Hearing or Sight. We do this so the dog will be able to avoid an encounter with a rattlesnake if any of these clues to a rattlesnake s presence are available individually even if the other clues aren t present. For instance your dog may be downwind of the rattlesnake and can smell it but is not able to see it and the snake - not being aware of the dog s presence - may not be giving a warning rattle Gables explained. The dog by avoiding just the smell would avoid the rattlesnake. If the owner is observant of the dog s behavior he or she can possibly prevent themselves or others from being bitten as well. We hope that by taking part in this training the dog as well as the owner will be spared the pain and distress (as well as the expense) caused by the dog becoming a victim of a rattlesnake bite. Reservations required. Space is limited to register now follow this link s booknow.appointment-plus.com 3gcjv10y EARLY REGISTRATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED For more information or to register please visit www.snakesafedog.com Or Call 805.523.3432 Serving the following Counties Santa Barbara Fresno Ventura Los Angeles San Bernardino Riverside Kern Inyo. MORE 2015 DATES LOCATIONS BEING ADDED... for more dates and locations www.snakesafedog.com upcoming-dates.html PLEASE SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTER ON WEBSITE TO RECEIVE EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS



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