2 Bed House for Rent from privat in Bremerton Wa NeededPet frien

I am going to re-locate to bremerton wa end of next mth maybe sooner and look for a place to live i have 2 very nice rescued cats whom i m not willing to give up i re-locate to help my son and my daughter in law with the newborn - both are in the navy stationed in bremerton i myself desidet as well to make this step to make a new beginning and see if bremerton is my new calling i am employed right now and have already a job search as well in in-deed job search i had a bit of a crash here and am only to be able to rent cheap for now and my credit score is not good as well for the fact that i grew up in germany i hope someone nice reads this and gives me a chance please contact me at germanyparkerschelle(at)yahoo.com thank you very much sincerely michelle



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