Salmon Arm - High Profile Hwy Home Commercial Bldgs Kennel

60 Highway 97B Salmon Arm BC V1E 4M3 High profile 7.6 acre property on Hwy 97B in Salmon Arm. Very clean and well kept 1450 sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath residence. Currently operating as a kennel dog training facility there are several outbuildings including 50x60 concrete block building with full power radiant gas heat concrete floors metal roof O H door offices storage washroom. 40x60 concrete building with grooming room cat boarding room 36 indoor outdoor dog kennels and runs. Numerous fenced areas outside including large agility training yard and doggy daycare facility. 30x40 quonset shop with power and wood heat as well as several storage buildings. Property is 7.29 acres zoned A-2 and currently has farm status. Property has livestock area with fencing and shelter walking trails and a creek running through. Great visibility and easy access from highway and lots of parking. MLS 10098112. For more information or to set up a viewing please call Jim Grieve at 250-833-6312 or Jordan Grieve 250-833-7812 or visit Marketed by Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation Homelife Salmon Arm Realty Toll Free 1-800-890-9166



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