Bilingual Quebec Territory Manager (Building Products)

Our client a global manufacturer of building products is seeking a Building Products Territory Manager for Quebec province. This position is responsible for aggressively pursuing new sales opportunities and establishing new business relationships with distributors and dealers. 50% travel throughout the territory will be required to meet growth expectations. Must live within Quebec and be fully bilingual. Responsibilities Aggressively market products within the territory to grow sales volume by a minimum of 20% year over year. Work weekly with our dealer base distributors and two step dealers to grow sales. Execute an aggressive dealer and commercial contractor conversion plan. Develop and execute an aggressive new dealer commercial contractor conversion plan on an annual basis. Drive demand creation and education with architects through the execution of lunch and learn presentations in order to secure new specified projects. Drive demand creation through the direct engagement and education of homebuilders with an emphasis on production builders. Requirements Must have a solid understanding of sales and marketing principles and techniques. Documented experience in selling and driving aggressive growth with a premium positioned building materials product. Ability to quickly build strong relationships with existing and new dealers. Excellent interpersonal and persuasive communications skills. Quantifiable ability to effectively negotiate and close new business. Strong computer skills including proficiency in all Microsoft office products. Qualifications Bachelor s Degree required. Minimum of 5 years of successful sales experience with premium building materials products in Quebec. Very aggressive compensation and benefits package. Please visit 2015 02 03 bilingual-quebec-territory-manager-building-p roducts to apply for this position. Nous travaillons actuellement avec un grand fabricant de pulv risation de mousse isolante la recherche d un directeur de territoire pour le Qu bec. Ce poste exige un v ritable chasseur pr t aller apr s de nouvelles affaires. Si vous tes int ress en savoir plus au sujet de cette opportunit s il vous pla t contactez-nous ici ou aux tats-Unis au 603-606-2855. Bilingue anglais et fran ais un must. Evergreen Recruiters Finding Solutions For You Our work and focus is on the building materials and manufacturing industries bringing you the results you need fast. We find great people for strong companies all over North America. Follow us for job updates on Twitter (at)evrgrnrecruiter (at)DBevergreen (at)LHevergreen



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