Big sale over 100 used trucks for sale

We have trucks with 10 speed and 13 speed transmissions and automatic transmissions with Cummins and DD.15 engines and much more. 455 HP and up. Best prices in town Carb compliant trucks available with new inventory arriving every week.Call for pricing and ask for an inventory list to choose your truck today We offer one of the largest selections of trucks with over 100 units in stock. we carry all makes and models from Kenworth Peterbilt Freightliner International and many more to chose from. We have the best financing available with the most competitive lenders that will work with you and your credit. We specialize in used truck sales and I am reaching out to you to offer you my business. I know finding the perfect truck is difficult but hopefully we can make it a little easier for you. I am committed to you and the success of your business. Whether you are a first time buyer looking to finance or an existing fleet owner operator looking to expand your fleet we have the truck for you. Financing is available for all types of credit. (909) 436-5939 Email luisusedtrucksales(at) Dont forget to stop by our Inventory site and look at our trucks s site usedtrucks4sale cto 4967937387.html



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