Housecleaning Housekeeping

Hello I run a small family-owned cleaning company. I am looking for a dependable person to work with our team in North Metro Denver (Thornton Broomfield Westminster Brighton Commerce City Erie Lafayette Longmont and Boulder.) We provide A rated cleaning and housekeeping services for regularly scheduled clients. We are efficient and thorough. You would be part time to start and can increase hours to full time as your proficiency grows. (You can also stay part time.) Requirements 2 years of PROFESSIONAL housecleaning experience Dependable vehicle valid driver s license and current auto insurance 3 housecleaning references (individual or company) Complete dependability for the work that you take on Winning spirit I provide 100% of all supplies and equipment. Please text Cinda at 303.653.5380 today if you would like to be considered. Thank you and best of luck - See more at labor_jobs-ad162045208.htm sthash.pR53Czdf.dpuf



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