Oak Log Home Kit

Awesome log homes at an affordable price with schuttloghomes.com. We are offering a gorgeous solid oak log home kit for a great price. The 1200 sq ft piece of heaven has an open living area a cozy kitchen any cook would love a two bedroom loft vaulted ceiling and covered porches perfect for swinging. This home kit starts at just 26900.00.We have many floor plans and styles of homes to choose from. Our Oak log home kits can be as simple as our 400 sq ft one bedroom one bath hunting cabin or as luxurious as our 3100 sq ft three bedroom three full bath Mountain view home. Choose one of our floor plans or we will help you design your own dream home from floor to vaulted ceilings. All of our log cabin kits are solid Oak and designed to be economical energy efficient and beautiful. We also sell barn and greenhouse kits.Please take a look at our photo gallery at schuttloghomes.com album1_010.htm.All of our log cabin kits are solid Oak and designed to be economical energy efficient and beautiful. Every kit comes with Exterior Oak Log Walls Interior Oak Log Walls Oak Roof Rafters Oak Ridge Beams Oak Porch Rafters Oak Porch Post Oak Railing Oak Window Trim Oak Door Trim Oak Wall Trim Oak Show Molding and more.... Any of our products can be shipped anywhere in the U.S. or CanadaThanks for looking Patrick Schutt 816-506-5713 schuttloghomes.com



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