1998 Freightliner Century

Freightliner Century class highway tractor integral sleeper. 2nd Owner. 60 series Detroit. 13 speed transmission. 12000 and 40000 lb axles. Excellent rubber on all aluminum rims. (11R 22.5) Good glass. New brake drums shoes and slack adjusters on drive axles. Transmission and clutch rebuilt in last 10000 km. Exhaust and muffler changed recently. New king pins. Approx 900 liter fuel capacity. New ac compressor. Air suspension. Only 260 km since last cvip. 430 hp. Will redo cvip if needed. Will have to charge GST on the sale. (5%) - See more at www.heavyequipmentregistry.com heavy-equipment 14270.htm sthash.Ov0rs81W.dpuf



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