7 yr old Bare Eyed Cockatoo with Cage and Toys WatchShare PrintR

We have an amazing 7 yr old sexed male bare eyed cockatoo named Bradley ( lost paperwork). He was originally purchased in Texas and became Canadian when we relocated. Bradley is a character for sure they are not in the verbal parrot category but this guy is very verbal when he gets going and includes some very clear swear words in his vocabulary. Bradley is female bonded and tolerates all others....if female is cuddling or holding he will not tolerate a male crowding his style...when no female around he will chill with a male...He has bitten my hubby if I am around he does not want hubby )...He is an amazing bird. Only reason I have decide to sell him is my mom who resides with us was recently diagnosed with dementia and my time is dedicated to her. Bradley has had dogs in the home some he tolerates others he screech s to let them know to back off. He has never plucked no bald spot loves paper in cage to shred...loves his bath bowl and loves to get out for loving and cuddles.Bradley is located in Orangeville Ontario. Our price of 1500.00 for him cage on wheels and toys is firm.No Negotiations Will not deliver or ship...must pick up. Orangeville Ontario



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