BENNIE S LAWN SERVICE. HOURS OF OPERATION 8 00 AM TILL MONDAY-SUNDAY. WE DO APPOINTMENT S AND FREE ESTIMATES. CONTACT 682-222-5020 WE DO ACCEPT TEXT MESSAGES IN CASE YOUR IN SCHOOL ARE WORK ARE JUST CANT TLK ON THE PHONE. WE ACCEPT LAST MINUTE JOBS AS WELL NOT A PROBLEM At Bennie s Lawn Service we strive on making our clients happy and charging reasonable prices that want break the bank We charge a minimum of 25.00 for regular lawn s which includes the following 1. Mow 2. Edge 3. Weedeat 4. Blow 5. Clean up. We charge a minimum of 30.00 if your house is located on a corner lot which includes the following 1 Mow 2. Edge 3. Weedeat 4. Blow 5. Clean up. We will mow front back and both sides of property we will edge along side walks drive ways and patio s to ensure straight lines we will weedeat along home around tree s fower bed s bushe s and along fence lines etc to ensure lawn is evenlly cut. Once lawn is cut we will walk thru and pick up debree trash etc to ensure a nice clean cut lawn We also trim bush s Fees start at 30.00 bucks a yard which will include all bushes plus clean up We do flower bed clean out work Fees start at 25.00 bucks a yard which includes clean up. We plant flower s Fee s start at 25.00 depending on quanity We put down mulch Fee s start at 25.00 bucks depending on quanity. We do yard cleanups picking up trash branches etc Fee s start at 30.00 which includes entire property We pick up leaves Fee s start at 30.00 bucks a lawn depends on size of lawn it could be cheaper We service the Fort Worth metroplex if your outside of fort worth there will be a .50 cent per mile fee attatched to services we propvide Not bad compared to commercial lawn companies We offer weekly bi-weekly monthly services and we also offer retainer s were you can pay for the weeks of service in advance Other services we offer are garage clean outs and organize Fee s start at 40.00 bucks attic clean outs Fee s start at 30.00 bucks If theres other types of work needed done just inform us an we will let you no if we can do it or not and we will offer the cheapest price in the dfw metroplex with our word the job will be done right GIVE US A CALL TODAY LET S GET YOUR LAWN NICE FOR THE PUBLIC S EYE. THANKS AND GOD BLESS



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