3300 Suite 233 - Approx 2200 sq ft - 3 Months free rent

3 300.00 Utilities Included Large Studio Space Split Level Kitchenette and Lunch Room area Private ensuite 3 Pc (Shower) Bathroom with Skylight South facing Windows Tastefully decorated 24 hour access Approx 18 ft Loft Studio style ceilings Unique large green room area ready for professional use Sound proof (sound stage ready) Used in real TV production & TV commercials Potential extras include 3 x 2k light in existing set up Adequate parking (front & back) TTC ACCESSIBLE NO DEMOLITION CLAUSE ONLY 10 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN Property management on siteAvailable immediately within 24 hoursCUSTOM BUILDS AVAILABLEGet involved in our creative community at Production House with Printing Company 3 TV Show Studios 3 green screen studios radio stations photographers media and graphic arts dance studio fine art carpentry and much more.Other units are offered with areas from 600 sq ft to 1 400 sq ft. There are several larger units that can be divided and custom built to meet your needs. Let us bring your vision to life with the help of our centre.Call to arrange viewing Karen (416) 840-0884 ext. 241 Brian (416) 831-5552 up to 3 months some restrictions or conditions applied



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