DATES EARLY A.M 04 16 15 TO 04 23 15 LATE NEEDS TO BE WALKING DISTANCE FROM STRIP OR NO MORE THAN 15 MINUTES BUS RIDE 1 BUS AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE IN 50 S NON-SMOKER SOCIAL DRINKER NO DRUGS MARINE VETERAN NO PETS NOT 420 FRIENDLY NO MUSIC NEED PRIVATE ROOM WITH SHOWER AND 24 HOUR ACCESS Will be working 65% of the time temp low wage job trying to learn about Las Vegas to see if I want to live there WILL PAY 300.00 CASH 100.00 on first day 100.00 on 4th day and 100 00 on 8th Day Don t have monies for Security Deposit KEY DEPOSIT etc. Email darbos562(at) 562-225-3032 (text)



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