24 Hour Plumbers Toronto &ndash 100% Fast and Reliable

ARE YOU SEARCHING A PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR PLUMBING SERVICE IN TORONTO We at Santos Water Service & Drain is a one stop solution for all of your plumbing needs in major cities like Toronto Mississauga etc. Our licensed and highly expert technicians have served thousands of families in Ontario. Our best price service guarantees you cleaner drains in no time. OUR PLUMBERS ARE AVAILABLE 24 HOURS TO ASSIST YOU IN TORONTO GTA Plumbers at Santos Water Services and Drain provide effective residential & commercial plumbing drain cleaning and repair services. We provide services for tap repairs in homes for sinks for drains sump pump for bathrooms and bath tub repair in Toronto and adjoining areas. Our professionals solve every plumbing issue with finest quality plumbing service at highly affordable price. We have well informed staff and expert advice for you. LOCAL PLUMBING EXPERTS INSTANT EMERGENCY DISPATCH IN TORONTO 1. 24X7 Emergency Plumbing and Drain Repair 2. Toilet Repair and Drain Snaking 3. Dishwasher Installation and Repair 4. Water Jetting and Bathtub Installation 5. Grease Trap Cleaning & Main shut-off valve installation 6. Drain Camera Inspection Toronto 7. Residential and commercial Sewer pipe repair 8. Water line upgrade GTA 9. Drain Emergency & backwater valve Toronto 10. Power Jet Drain Cleaning 11. Leaking Tiles and Window well 12. Water Supply line Upgrade Installation Repair 13. Sump-Pump Installation 14. Catch Basin Installation & Backflow prevention 15. Basement waterproofing Walk-out & underpinning And many more CALL NOW 416-824-3352 To avail the finest quality plumbing service at highly affordable price in Toronto Brampton Mississauga Vaughan Richmond Hill and Markham. EMAIL santoswater(at)sympatico.ca VISIT US www.santoswater.com



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