Month to Month rentals hotel room

Looking to transfer to a new city or job J.P. Allen Extended Stays is the perfect place. We offer short and long term rental temporary housing. Starting rate 1150.00 No lease is required some restriction apply. Please contact us at (818)956-0202 x. 7105 Sales Office for General Information. We are located in a semi Residential area. Minutes away to several Companies such as Walt Disney Nestle unum Local News station WB Studios etc. We are walking distance to the popular American at Brand Glendale Galleria and downtown Glendale which all are great for shopping and house several restaurant and movie theater. Minutes away from Pasadena Burbank and Hollywood downtown Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium Rose Bowl L.A. Zoo Universal studios Griffith Observatory Local parks that great for hiking and outdoor activities. Easy access to freeway such as 5 134 and 210. Also easy access to public transportation



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