2005 28 conquest by Gulf Stream

2005 28 bumper pull camper exterior looks great no damage or dents awning in great shape tires in good shape all glass intact steps and lights work fine. The interior has been completely redone new flooring walls and ceilings bedroom has queen size bed air conditioner works great all lighting works fine the bathroom ceiling and part of the wall needs to be finished it does have a full size shower and new power outlets all working. I will include all the material needed to finish it including paneling for ceilings and walls screws and paint. I no longer have time to work on it and need the space where it s parked. If you are handy it wouldn t take much to finish it as the bathroom is all that s left. im asking 2500 but will work with you because I need it gone before masters week please contact me with any questions or for pictures thanks roof does not leak tarp is to protect it under trees



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