Grandparents needing help

We have 2 grandsons living out Of state who we raised from birth Until 3-1 2 years ago. At which time Our daughter their mother had become clean sober & healthy for 2-1 2 years & had married a great man. We have been planing a summer visit with the boys for a year now. We will travel 22 hrs to pick them up & then to return them at the end of summer. After financially supporting our Daughter our grandsons & her husband Due to (job lay-offs & or being fired For 11 months) we discovered that both our daughter & her husband are no longer sober. And 75% of the Money sent to help was not used for food for the boys or bills for the home. The boys are now living in an unstable home. It is unhealthy mentally Physically & emotionally to be a child in this environment as we all know. For any child & now for us it s real And it s personal We can no longer allow our grandsons to live this way. Our date to go get them for the summeras had to change Our issue & reason for help. My husbands job in construction is Scheduled for completion earlier than Anticipated leaving us now with very minimal paychecks. Most of our savings For this trip & summer fun has been tapped out to trying to support our daughters family & ourselves & our other 2 daughters living with us at home. We look forward to our summer together. The boys have always been more like sons to us & more like brothers rather than nephews to our daughters living at home with us. We laugh because they all act like brothers & sisters It s wonderful Our twin daughters will be Graduating May 29th. The boys visiting will be their graduation gifts for now we ve Unfortunately used those funds as well On this situation. On a positive note.... We could brag & carry on about our amazing twin Daughters We ve survived a very Difficult 14 years.... They ve learned strength courage & survival & through their drive & determination they continue to make us proud It s is out of pure fear for our Grandsons & the urgency of it all that we ask for your help. If you have any odd jobs chores handy man needs need a ride to the Store or just someone to go for you... a dog walked or a babysitter. We all pride ourselves in our hard work & its quality. Please Use the following Email to contact us. -kimmerjojo47(at) Evanston WY



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