Best Orthopaedic Doctor in Indore

Dr Amber Mittal is a young dynamic and dedicated Joint Replacement Surgeon. Educated and raised in Indore he completed his medical degree from M.G.M Medical College Indore. After scoring 2nd rank in All India Exam he has completed his orthopedic training from KEM Hospital Mumbai which has the largest orthopedic department in the country. His interest in joint replacement surgeries took him to various prestigious institutes of World such as New York Chicago and Germany. He is widely published in journals of national and international repute. Recently he has received Best Paper Award by an international journal. He is credited for bringing Patient Specific Knee replacement technique Cruciate retaining oxinium technique Cruciate retaining Attune technique to Central India. At Centre for Advance Joint Replacement Indore Dr. Amber Mittal is one of the best orthopaedic surgeon in Indore. Centre for Advance Joint Replacement205 Ronak Tower Khajrana Road Near Anand Bazaar Indore M.P. (452001)Contact - 91 (982) 689-7771



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