EZRECRUITING Position OBGYN Location Ashtabula OH Pay Rate Varies Based on qualifications. Industry Healthcare Job Type Permanent Full-Time Will consider H1B Visa Offered salaries are consistent with current year MGMA Benchmarks. After salary guarantee physician s salary will be based on cash-based productivity. Post training years factored into offered salary and recruitment package.3 years guaranteed salary Start-up packages can include signing bonus relocation loan repayment visa processing fees and tail coverage OB-GYN provides medical and surgical care to women. Obstetrics involves taking care of women before and during pregnancy and at childbirth as well as their fetuses and newborn babies and performing procedures such as cesarean sections. Duties related to gynecology include diagnosing and treating disorders of the female reproductive system. They can diagnose conditions such as infection endometriosis and ovarian and breast cancers. OB-GYNs sometimes provide primary care. Bottom Line Requirements 1. Board Certified or Eligible Physician. Pl s A l T Y BM P s 1-619-900-7432 1-858-371-9641



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