Serif CraftArtist Baby Photos

With Serif CraftArtist Baby Photos taking beautiful pictures of your little ones and turning them into amazing cards and gifts is easy. You can quickly make high quality personal photobooks and cards to share with friends and family. This software is easy-to-use thanks to its simple drag-and-drop function so you can make beautiful cards and gifts in just three simple steps. Designs can be personalized with unlimited pictures and text plus there are craft tools and a built-in photo editor to help deliver professional looking results that are guaranteed to impress. When you are done designing simply print out your project or share it online for all your friends and family to see. Just 3 easy simple steps Choose your theme and projectPersonalize itShare itProduct HighlightsEasy- No learning curve- just drag and dropQuality- Show off your baby photos in stylePersonal- Easily add your own text and photosEdit- Includes a built-in photo editorTips- Design tips and tricks at your fingertipsProduct FeaturesChoose Your Theme and Project- Choose from hundreds of stunning graphics and templates to personalize or start from scratch.Pick your favorite photos and make a beautiful photobook or scrapbookPersonal creative invites and cards to make your ownPick any page size you desirePlus there are templates for cards gift boxes tags and morePersonalize It-It could not be easier to make your designs personalJust drag and drop your design additions onto your templatePersonalize with unlimited pictures and textCraft tools help deliver high quality resultsShare It-Print itUpload itMake it a PDFBuilt-in Photo Editor-Easy to use photo editing is available on-screenPowerful one-click editingCompletely non-destructive to your photosRemove red eye crop black-and-white feature and moreTips and Techniques-If you are new to using this software there is plenty of help availableVideo Tutorials show you step-by-step how to make stunning projectsCommunity forums with over 60 000 users provide tips and design ideasGet Your Photos From Anywhere-ScannerDigital CameraCD-ROM& PhoneWebProjectsTemplates-PhotobooksScrapbook sGreeting CardsGift Boxesand more Craft Tools-FramesBrushesEmbellishmentsPunchesand more



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