2010 Nissan Rogue SL AWD (U8255T)

VISIT US ONLINE FOR UP TO 100 PHOTOS AND INFORMATION crossroadsny.com Albany-Ravena For-Sale Used Nissan Rogue 2010-SL-AWD-Black-SUV 34775270 2010 Nissan Rogue SL AWD (U8255T) 2010 Nissan Rogue SL AWD Crossover Power Moonroof Power Windows Locks and Mirrors AM FM CD Auxiliary Audio Input Jack Air Conditioning Cruise Control Steering Wheel Controls 17 Alloy Wheels Roof Rack w Crossbars and Keyless Entry All of our inventory is detailed serviced inspected and ready to go Call John or Rob at the showroom 518-756-4000. After hours call text 518-573-4743 or 518-596-5714.



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